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    Initiative: « Movement of Life and Investment in Generations ». The First cours

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    The Yemen Socotra organization aims - for development and human rights - Socotra . as follow :

    • Improve the level of people live of the marginalized and vulnerable access to basic services - Such health, food, education, water and capacity building of human and human factor the fact that Services of the global charter for Human Rights, World Organization of the United Nations in 1948 in the social and economic council and signed a rut Charter more than one hundred and fifty the State on the basis that the universe is not all faithful partners dedicated to the states or to specific individuals. Human rights is not sold or buying , but the right and duty of every man toward his fellow man of the anthropic principle immoral. The individual has the right to education , health ,food , water , clean air and participate in life in all sectors.
    • Raising awareness and cultural cooperation between the circles of Yemeni society and that children , women, youths , older , and the sound of the special needs of basic services, capacity building society.
    • Support and participation Yemeni people who resk of natural disasters, wars and conflicts communities to obtain basic activities services that criticize their lives, disseminate and instill a culture of peace and acceptance of the other as its stands colour , own language and its Generation of the first-generation or second-generation or third-generation in the community and put an end to the culture and the reduction of non accept the other.
    • Post contributor to the efforts and activities aimed at economic hards on fundamental , social, legal and security , which limit access on , youth, women, children and elderly needs to reach into decision-making in the political, economic, social and security affairs site.
    • Upgrade to level contains rights to ensure the dignity of living for all social categories in light of a more open society and coexistence.


    Happy Yemen Youth 2016

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Mohammed Ahmed Bin Khalifah

    Socotra, Hadibo, Republic of Yemen, P.O.Box 111.

    Cooperative & Agricultural Credit Bank account: OCB-51-1005335722

    + 96 7777290611

    + 213 541441429

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