- The Yemen Socotra foundation for renascence & development-Socotra is enterprise projects various sectors:
- Different types of Development, including sustainable development, financial development, economic development, human development, management development, institutional development, development of local and global good governance, development, operation and consulting, legal development, scientific development, environmental development, tourism development, and the development of security. The Foundation encourages towards individuals in the general protection of the environment and nature, Foundation programs enterprise projects to be environmentally friendly. The institution is trying to instill a culture of human rights protection the Right of child, youth, women and the elderly serrated and the special needs to raise the level of awareness and cultural the rut sectors of society and build those capabilities and rationalize Control of resources under the global governance system of international and rationalization in order to build a world in regaining peace and sustainable development the world community a sophisticated without suffering and crises.
- Also the Yemen Socotra Foundation for renascence & development-Socotra; focus on projects for emergency response and humanitarian relief digging wells and building well of water and clean water tanks, in addition to, build schools preparative projects.